Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I think this sculpture is Poseidon.

This is the Surf City Swing Bridge where we waited 35 minutes.

Pinky Tuscadero would love this house.

This morning we left Carolina Beach State Park heading north as usual. We were moving along for about 2 hours when the Coast Guard came up along side of us with their blue lights flashing. We didn't see them until they called us on the radio. They asked when we had last been inspected and it had been a couple of years, so two of them boarded our boat and inspected us. We had no violations and the men were very courteous and nice. When we reached the Surf City Swing Bridge, we had to wait 35 minutes because it only opens on the hour. We cruised in very shallow water in the middle of the channel for most of the day today. We had between 1.7 feet and 4.0 feet for a lot of the way. That made us both uncomfortable. We stopped for the night at the Mile Hammock Bay. This basin is dredged by the military for use with Camp LeJeune. We traveled 53 miles today and that leaves us about 50 miles for tomorrow to get to where Norm and Sue are docked right now. They plan on being there at least until Wednesday.


Donna and Alan Huber said...

Thinking of you guys tonight. I am having crabcakes on the water (South River) near Annapolis. It is a beautiful night, in the low 80s today, but turning cooler tomorrow.

We have a guy coming Saturday to hook up the Dish Network at the boat. Hoping your old dish still is a acceptable, otherwise $100. Hmmmm, let's take a guess if hey will tell us it is outdated. Lol

Donna and Alan Huber said...

Thinking of you guys tonight. I am having crabcakes on the water (South River) near Annapolis. It is a beautiful night, in the low 80s today, but turning cooler tomorrow.

We have a guy coming Saturday to hook up the Dish Network at the boat. Hoping your old dish still is a acceptable, otherwise $100. Hmmmm, let's take a guess if hey will tell us it is outdated. Lol