Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Henry Flagler built church
This T-shirt was in front of the San Sebastian Winery
Carol as a prisoner at jail.
The latest on the tank: supposedly, the fabricator has started working on it again and Al is planning on installing it on Monday. Yea!!! I think I will make myself scarcCheck Spellinge on Monday. I'm sure John and Al won't need my help. Let's keep our fingers crossed that all goes well.
Today Sue and I went to St. Augustine and did the trolley tour. We had so much fun. We saw the old jail, the history museum, the Castillo de San Marcos, the Fountain of Youth, the San Sebastian Winery, Flagler College, numerous Churches, a chocolate factory, and probably more that I'm forgetting. The train makes 22 stops. You get off and on whenever you want. They come by about every 15 minutes and your ticket is good for 3 days. My favorite parts were the jail and the winery. If we had jails like that still in the US, we wouldn't have nearly as many criminals because you would do whatever you had to do, to keep from going to jail. The winery tour included a wine tasting. We tasted about 8 different wines. Any of you who know me, knows that I am not a big wine drinker, but there were 3 or 4 that I found appealing. Neither Sue nor I wanted to carry around bottles of wine the rest of the day, so we resisted the impulse to buy a bottle or two. Perhaps we will go back there with our car and buy some wine.
After 30 minutes of waiting for a few pictures to upload, I've given up. I will try again and you will know if it worked, by whether or not there are any pictures present on today's posting.

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