Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Nothing was accomplished today. Yesterday I slightly bent over to close a tray table and put it away. When I bent, I twisted wrong and now my back hurts. I spent most of the day in bed with a heating pad. And I had so much I wanted to do today. Tomorrow is another day and, with any luck, I will feel like doing all the things I want to do.

We received a box of mail today. Who would have thought that would be cause for so much excitement? We don't get too many bills in the mail because most of them are handled online. Magazines and sometimes pictures that the grandchildren draw are our favorite pieces of mail.

John took the car to be washed. The bugs around here are awful and get all over the windshield and the bumpers and the hood.... It looks so much better. Speaking of bugs, right now the "love bugs" are everywhere. They don't bite, but they are pretty big and they fly into you and aggravate the daylights out of you. They only last a short while, thank goodness.

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