Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Last night Palm Coast had a record amount of rainfall. It rained hard all through the Bengal's game and then all night long. Our air conditioner that was working, quit working and the one we borrowed from Al had to be turned off because the exhaust hose hangs out of the porthole in the aft stateroom. We had packed towels around it, but with all of the rain, the towels were soaking wet and we didn't want it up against the wood. So, it was muggy and hot all night long. Today when Al came to work on the fuel tank, his cohort Peter said that the strainer for our salon air conditioner probably has jellyfish in it. He said another boat on our dock called and complained that his air wasn't working and when Peter took out the strainer, there were five jellyfish in it. A couple of days later, the same guy called him back and again he cleaned out five more jellyfish. We have been seeing large jellyfish around the boat for the last week or so. John saw on the news that the area is being inundated with jellyfish since the last tropical storm passed us off the coast.

The tank is in the boat and so the boat is floating ever so much more even. They opened the fuel crossover and so the fuel has evened out between the two tanks. The engine is in its cradle, but not hooked up yet. So, tomorrow's job is to put everything back together on the engine, hook the tank to the engine, reinstall the water heater, and reinstall the other air conditioner. Once all of that is done, the rest of the port side fuel will be pumped into the new tank and a camera will be inserted into the port fuel tank to see if it needs to be replaced as well or not.

Today Sue and I made ourselves scarce while all of the heavy work was being done. We went to Daytona to a shopping mall and had a nice day, mostly window shopping. I did, however, get a haircut. I don't understand. Every time I get a haircut, I tell the beauticians exactly the same thing. Every time it turns out different. This time I got scalped. Good thing it grows back. I thought John would have a fit, but he didn't even notice. What's up with that?

1 comment:

Donna and Alan Huber said...

Good luck with the installation!