Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What a difference a day makes! John and I are both a lot happier today than yesterday! For John, having talked to the mechanic today has made a world of difference. He expects the tank to be finished next week and ready to install. We talked about how hot it is in the boat and how we are not getting a lot of sleep because of the heat. He loaned us a portable air conditioner for the aft cabin that works really well. Sleep should come easier tonight. Thank you, Al.
I have not spilled anything or broken anything at all today. Yesterday my thumb drive with my genealogy files on it, got bumped while in the computer and now it won't work. I wasn't too concerned because I had a backup copy, but apparently the backup is a read only file. So, everything has to be re-entered into my software. Yuck! I know what I'll be doing all winter.
The bottom picture above is of our boat as it sits in the harbor right now. Can you tell how crooked it sits in the water? It doesn't look like much, but you feel like you will fall out of bed and when you walk around in the boat, it kind of feels like you have had too much to drink (not that anyone around here would do that). The top picture is self explanatory. We watched the bird catching fish from that position while we were at Happy Hour. It doesn't take much to entertain us.

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