Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Yesterday, after visiting the ship store to do my blogging, I asked the owner of the marina (Mike) if he sold bread here.  He told me that they used to sell bread, but it didn't sell very well.  I'm not surprised.  This is pretty much a fishing harbor.  We were the only ones who spent the night on their boat here.  So, anyway, Mike offered to drive us to this small deli / grocery store.  We got the essentials:  bread, milk, eggs, and lunch meat.  It was really nice of him to drive us there.  John and Mike hit it off and spent the time talking about being a small businessman.  They understood each other.

We grilled chicken for dinner and enjoyed a quiet evening sitting on the back deck until it got too cool for me.  Our current plan is to leave early tomorrow morning.  The rain should be done by then and the waves should be 1 to 2 feet.  We are looking forward to moving again. 

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