Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

This morning we went to Church at St. John Neuman Church.  The name of the Church made us think of home, but that is where the similarities ended.  The building was big and really pretty in a 1980 kind of way.  However, there were only 4 people in the whole Church under 50 years old.  The only music was a flute and they didn't sing any of the prayers.  All of the people sat on the ends of the pews and the centers were all wide open.  It was most unusual.  After Mass, we went out for breakfast at a pancake house and then drove around Cape May seeing the sights.  Our favorite thing we saw was Sunset Beach.  I took a couple of pictures there that I am including.

Now we are watching to see if Alberto becomes a Tropical Storm or Hurricane and just how close it will be to where we currently are docked.  We may be here a day or two longer if we get bad storms.  Other than that, everything is hunky dory.

Carcass of the SS Atlantus, a concrete boat that became grounded during a storm.  They were never able to move it and so it remains.

This is a World War II Lookout Tower near Sunset Beach.


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