Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

 We saw this bunny as we were walking the marina.

The name of this boat is "COOLBEANZ".  It reminded me of my Grandma (Focke) Jung.  She used to say, "Cool Beans".  This boat made me smile.

As some of you know, if we tried to talk to you on our cell phone yesterday, the cell service here is less than desirable.  Therefore, I was not able to blog last night.  Apparently, the only place to get the marina's WIFI is inside the ship store and they were closed by the time I realized this.  So, Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, a day late. 

There was a small craft advisory yesterday, so we opted to stay here.  Also, today there are 3 to 5 foot waves and rain.  It sounds like tomorrow will be like today.  Our best guess is that we will leave here on Wednesday.  Each morning John will come here to the ship store and go online to check the weather before we leave.  We are hoping that by the time we are cruising along again both of our backs will be in shape for the task. 

Yesterday we took a walk through the marina.  They have 250 slips with only a couple of sailboats.  Most of the boats are fishing boats.  I suppose there aren't many sailboats because the water is pretty shallow in here.

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