Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Have you missed me? It's been a few days since I've blogged. We went to Venice to visit with John's parents. I didn't bring my computer along. John brought his. I intended to blog on his computer, but we forgot to bring our wireless MI-FI. Not only that, but Mom and Dad had issues with their computer while were there as well. I guess I wasn't meant to blog for those few days. Sorry. So, to get you caught up, we arrived on Monday around lunchtime. Mom had a wonderful spread for lunch: Ham, sweet potato souffle, broccoli, corn, salad, bread, and apple pie ala mode. She really knocked herself out. We visited and played bridge. Monday night, while playing bridge, John and Mom were partners. John bid 2 spades and Mom said 6 spades (small slam). To her utter amazement, John said 7 spades, a grand slam. Not only did they make the grand slam, it was a lay down hand. It was the most amazing hand of bridge any of us had ever seen. In the past, we have seen people take all of the tricks, but they had not bid them. This is a hand they will never forget.

Mom is teaching a water aerobics "class" in the pool at their condo. Since she goes out and does this each morning, some of the other ladies asked her if she would show them what to do. So, now she has "groupies". I was fortunate enough to exercise with them Tuesday morning and it felt really good to work those muscles.

We had a great time and were sad when it was time to leave. We arrived back in Sanford around 2:30 this afternoon.

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