Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today we had rain showers off and on all day. We did chores and had launch at the restaurant here at the marina. I went swimming this afternoon and met some very nice ladies who gave me more information about things to do and where different things are located. One lady named
Donna told me that a boater named Diane is planning a grocery trip to a new grocery store. Supposedly, it is newer and cheaper than the one the marina runs shuttles to. The shopping trip is Saturday morning at 10:00. Milk, bread and eggs are all I really need. Some fresh fruits and vegetables would be nice too. Tonight the resort had a movie at the outdoor pool side restaurant. It was called "Limitless" and had Robert de Niro in it. That was one weird movie. John only lasted for about 30 minutes before he gave up on it. I stayed to the end, but I didn't like the movie. Well, that's it for tonight.

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