Monday, May 23, 2011


It was 90 degrees and humid today. We've only had about 10 minutes worth of rain since we've gotten here. That's just about opposite what you've had at home in Cincinnati. We have outside work to do on the boat tomorrow. So, it will most likely pour down. Time will tell. John spent a large part of the day working on the stainless rails. He rubbed the surface rust off and made them shine. They look really nice!

We met a new couple on our dock tonight. They came to look at our shades we hung on the back deck because they are thinking of doing the same thing. Their boat is a Mainship and their names are Ann and Howard. Very friendly people. There is a young man named Tom on the boat directly behind us. He works for the owner of the boat, looking after it while the owner is in New England. He's a nice guy who likes his job, but he's bored a lot of the time.

Saturday I picked up a BoatUS flyer on hurricanes and what to do with your boat in case of a hurricane. It scared the devil out of me. It makes it harder to fall asleep at night worrying about hurricanes. We've never had to deal with that before (and we hope to never have to deal with it in the future either).

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