Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Canadian Geese are everywhere.  Each morning the workers here have to hose off the sidewalks around the marina.  Sometimes they have to do it several times a day.  Gross!

This morning John and I walked to the Farmer's Market.  A nice lady named Joyce made us a couple of jars of sugar free strawberry jam.  We ordered it last week and picked it up today.  I can't wait to taste it.  Along the opposite shore this morning there were lots of children fishing.  We were told that the police sponsor this fishing tournament for the kids.  They were there for most of the day and then they got their prizes at the gazebo afterwards. 

The rest of the day, John putzed around doing whatever it is men do when they putz ;)  I made new cushion covers for the chairs and sofa on the aft deck.  I've had the material since we were in Sanford.  It took me awhile to get motivated.  Now I need to find a fabric store to get something to cover the pillows in.  They look awful with the seats now.  Oh, well, it will have to wait.  There are no fabric stores within walking distance.

 The little splashes of color are the children fishing.

Farmer's Market. 

 Love the umbrella hat.

 Is it just  me or does it seem really dangerous to be fishing on those "steps" so close to the turbulent water at the dam?

Tonight's awesome sunset.

Good night, all!

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