Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

From one extreme ......

To another.....

Thunderbolt, Georgia

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We left Isle of Hope Marina at 7:15 this morning, went around the first bend, and realized that we had forgotten to give back the gate key. So, we turned around and went back to drop off the key. Then, we pulled away from the dock a 7:45. Oops.
As we passed Thunderbolt, John read a sign that said "Home of the 1996 Olympic Yachting Events". I didn't know that.
We passed Hilton Head. Patricia Cornwall and John Mellencamp both have homes on Hilton Head. A friend of ours children played with John Mellencamp's children while they were vacationing on Hilton Head. Pretty cool, huh?
We stopped for the day at Ladies Creek Marina. There is a restaurant on the marina property that the dock master recommended to us. We walked up for dinner at 5:00 and we waited 40 minutes for a table. The food was good and they had a guitar player outside. After dinner, we sat outside and listened to him until the bugs drove us away. Another good day on the water.

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