Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Well, John left this morning from Daytona to Cincinnati. He made it safely and sent me a picture of him with two of the grandchildren. I am SOOO jealous. Sue and I went shopping this afternoon. It was nice to have some "girl time". However, that's the last "girl time" until about the 24th because Sue is leaving in the morning to fly home to Cincinnati. She is staying until we all come back around the 22nd of August. It's just going to be me and the guys for a couple of weeks. I am counting down the days until I get to see my family and friends. T minus 15 and counting. I think that space shuttle affected my brain. Everything else is the same here. So, if you see John, tell him I miss him and am counting the minutes until he gets back.

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