Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

T Minus 4 and counting......

Today I finally got my hair cut. It seems like it's been forever since the last time. If only I could convince John to cut it. It's hotter at home than it is here, so it was time. Doesn't that seem funny, that it's hotter at home than in Florida?

Today is Monday, so there was a whole marina Happy Hour (and a half) up in the ship store. Everyone brings an appetizer to share. By the time dinner rolled around, I wasn't even a little bit hungry. I made chuck roast, mashed potatoes, and beans for dinner. What was I thinking? We have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow night's dinner.

I've been on the phone with our children, ironing out our plans for the month we are at home. It sounds like we will be pretty busy. We are both looking forward to every planned outing and the time spent at each family's home.

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