Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's been a little more than a week since our last post.  John ordered a reconditioned detail sander because he wore out his old one.  He received an email saying it had been shipped and so a couple of days later, we walked up to the office to pick it up.  On the way, we ran into Tony the service manager.  He asked us what two people living on a boat would want with a weed whacker.  We thought that was a strange question.  He said that a package came for John that says weed whacker on the outside.  Sure enough, instead of a detail sander, he received a weed whacker.  After emailing back and forth with the company, it was discovered that the person who ordered the weed whacker got the detail sander and vice versa.  They shipped us the sander with a label to send the mistake package to the correct person directly.  We got a giggle out of that one.

We visited Shiloh Battlefields again.  This time we bought the CD that narrates the driving tour.  However, they have changed the order of the stops and so far, we have not figured out how to visit each stop in the order on the CD.  We need to go back to the visitor's center for clarification on that.

Two days ago, I fell down the four steps going into the aft cabin and bruised my back.  OUCH!  It's slowing me down just a bit.  Then, the next day, John did the exact same thing.  He cut his knee in his fall.  What's up with that?  The steps aren't any different than they have ever been before.  Oh well.

Yesterday, we finally met Cathryn and Bob on our "sister ship" Next To Me.  We have been playing leap frog for a long while.  John has been reading their blog and emailing them.  They arrived at Aqua Yacht Harbor yesterday afternoon and we went to Freddy T's for dinner with them last night.  We thoroughly enjoyed meeting them and hope that our paths cross again sometime.

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