Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19,2011

Monday John had a flu bug and didn't want to eat or do anything except lay around. Needless to say, we did not accomplish any of the things on our To Do List. We were supposed to go out to dinner with a bunch of folks from the harbor. John told me to go without him since all he wanted to do was lay around and watch TV or sleep. So, I went to Smokin' Pit with about 15 others from Paradise Marina. John felt a lot better the next day.

Today, some friends flew to Pennsylvania and left their car with Norm, Sue, John, and me, to use while they are gone. How nice is that? We went shopping and bought a new drill and a haircutting kit. When we got back to the marina, I gave John my first ever haircut. It turned out pretty good. He said it's better than the last professional haircut he got that cost him $21. That was way out of my comfort zone! After just two haircuts, the kit will have paid for itself.

The guy who was supposed to come work on our boat tomorrow, called and said he was on the way to the doctor. He had injured himself working on a boat. He said that he will be here on Friday. We shall see. We are having fuel delivered on Friday as well. Then, as soon as we know both boats (Mayer's and Sagel's) are operating properly, we will do our provisioning, fill the water tanks, and do laundry, and then head out as prepared as we can be. The trouble is, we aren't sure when both boats will be operating properly. Oh well, we don't have a timetable to keep. We can go whenever we are ready to go. Isn't that what being retired is about?

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