Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

This morning we left our Marco Island anchorage. We had a good time while there, scooting around in the dinghy and seeing the sights. After about five hours of cruising today, we arrived at our next anchorage in Russell Pass near Everglade City. The day was beautiful and perfect for cruising. We took the dinghy in to Everglade City and had dinner at Camellia's. There was a sign hanging on the rail at the restaurant that cautioned patrons about alligators. Yuck! We saw lots of dolphins today, but, thankfully, no alligators. Hopefully, we won't see any. We plan on heading to Marathon in the Keys tomorrow morning because later in the week, the seas are predicted to become rougher.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Love the blog. We're following you at! Keep up the great posts.