Monday, December 6, 2010

North Fort Myers

We spent last night at anchor in Pelican Bay, rocking and rolling all night. The wind blew all night long, so there wasn't much sleeping going on in our boat or Runaround Sue. We missed Paul and Patty during these last couple of days. However, I'm certain they are glad to have missed the turbulent night at anchor.

Today we made our way to Paradise Marina in North Fort Myers where we spent most of last winter. It was a very enjoyable cruise. There weren't many crab pots or fishermen to slow down for. Many of the people we met last year were on hand when we arrived. We will be here until about the end of January.

What's up with this weather? We are in sunny Florida and it's supposed to get down to freezing tonight. Brrr!


Jamey Focke said...
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Jamey Focke said...

WOW! it's getting down to freezing there. We are hoping it makes it up to freezing soon here.....

Jamey Focke said...

It doesn't look like anoyone ever leaves you any comments. I love reading your blogs. Please keep with it.