Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

We have a new boat neighbor as of yesterday. Therefore, our happy hour group continues to grow. Last night we were out at 5:00 P.M., as per usual. When the ship store closed, they asked us to watch out for the replicas of the Nina and Pinta. They are going to be at Green Turtle Bay for the weekend for tours. They were supposed to arrive around 7:00 P.M. last night to our harbor, just for the night. Well, we stayed out until about 8:30 P.M. and at that point, gave up. About 9:10 P.M., a lady knocked on our window and asked John if he could tell her how to get to the restaurant. Her name is Constance and she is the current cook on the Nina. They were told there is a restaurant within walking distance. Well, we offered to drive them to a restaurant or to go pick up carry out for them, but they all needed showers and by the time they were finished, it was after 10:00 and they opted to skip it.

They were not informed that this is a dry county either. So, we supplied a couple of beers and sat and talked with them for an hour or two before going back in. This morning we watched them take off for Green Turtle Bay. Tomorrow we plan on going there for a tour. Most of the crew are volunteers. The Captain and Pilot are the only ones who are not volunteers. They sign up for at least 4 weeks at a time. They are not required to be experienced sailors. It sounds like fun with a minimal commitment of time.

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