Thursday, April 4, 2013

And I Thought Yesterday Was a Long Day

As predicted, we did rock and roll last night as the barges went past.  Twice we rocked so hard  we got up to make sure everything was okay with the boat.  We were up and ready to leave this morning at 6:00 A.M.  We were cruising along pretty well.  There were no fishermen, but lots of tows.  The GPS has a feature that tells you what time you can expect to reach your programmed destination.  Our programmed destination was Louisville, KY, but we thought we would cruise until we got tired and anchor out wherever that would be.  The time that the GPS said we would reach Louisville was 8:26 P.M.  This does not take into consideration the time spent in the locks.  Sunset was at 8:15 P.M..  The longer we cruised and the closer we got, the more we thought it possible to go for it.  All of the way to Louisville.  We came out of McAlpine Lock at 8:20 P.M.  We were docked at 8:45.  It was dark by then, but there are plenty of lights in downtown Louisville.  We cruise 110 miles today.  We are both soooo tired.  As soon as I am finished here, it's lights out for me.  Good Night, everyone.  We'll see you all at home soon.

1 comment:

Donna and Alan Huber said...

I won't be at the dock this weekend as it is my weekend at the parents but look forward to seeing you guys next weekend!