Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am so upset. I've lost my prescription sunglasses. John and I each got a pair when we were home at Christmas time. I absolutely loved them. I could read the charts easier and could see to drive both the boat and the car better. We have both looked everywhere we can think to look. We went back to the places we've visited since coming back here on Tuesday. St. Anthony, I'm relying on you. Hopefully, they will turn up when we put the boat back together after it's fixed. If any of you have a special relationship with St. Anthony, your prayers would be appreciated.

Today was spent doing paperwork and looking for sunglasses. A lot of little things were checked off of my To Do List. None of it was hard, just making myself sit down and do it. We are hoping for a cold front to come our way. It's been really hot and uncomfortable. Summer in Florida. Come January we'll be singing a different tune. Well, until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Donna and Alan Huber said...

So happy to hear that you guys avoided the storm. You have had enough bad luck lately!