Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sat., Jan. 23, 2010

Finally, the weather is getting warmer. We have happy hour every afternoon at 4:30. We have met some really nice people who have had some interesting boating experiences. Tomorrow morning, Norm and Sue, and John and I are going to Ding Darling to anchor out for a few days. We plan on exploring the area in the dinghy while there.

So far, Jeff and Susan's baby has not made its debut. As soon as we get the word that she's in labor, we will start home. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.

We are eating a lot more fish than normal. It tastes so good when it's so fresh. We had stone crabs a couple of nights ago. They were cold, but good. I also tried mussels. I had tried them in Cincy and did not like them, but this time they were good. Maybe it's my taste buds or maybe it's fresher and tastier.

Today Jeff Conniff called and said he and Norm made the crossing 2 nights ago. Cheri drove the car. They are planning on stopping here at Paradise Preserve to visit when they get this far. My hope is that the baby doesn't come before they get here, or we won't be here.

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